We made a movie!

Check out our new feature-length film New Clothes, premiering soon!

AND we're starting our 5th Summer Tour, and 2nd Winter tour!

Check out our gofundme!

Here we are!

Dec 8th 2023

The winter 2023 tour begins, "Good King Wenceslaus".

July 21st 2023

The summer 2023 tour begins, "The Feeble Fantastical".

March 30th 2022

A feature film New Clothes begins production.

March 22nd 2022

Vermont Suitcase Company Films is founded!

July 17th 2020

Fort Dummer Actors' Retreat. VSC assembles--socially-distanced and in the woods--to brainstorm and outline Robin Hood and the 2021 tour.

May 2020

The tour of Emperor's New Clothes is called off due to pandemic and slated for another summer down the road.

September 14 2019

Moth goes on tour! Norfolk Puppet Festival, Norfolk, Connecticut. Moth's Soundwave Jamboree live!

July 2019

After another successful tour, performing in Weston, Ascutney, Greensboro, Woodstock, along with the same venues from last year, we again close at Off Center for the Dramatic Arts.

July 2019

The Doctor and the Dowry premieres at the Highland Center for the Arts.

July 2019

Cast assembles for first rehearsal of The Doctor and the Dowry.

September 12th 2018

Moth's Soundwave Jamboree premieres.

July 28th 2018

After performing in Glover, Brattleboro, Easthampton, Craftsbury, Putney, Saxons River, Hardwick, Midsummer closes at Off Center in Burlington.

July 13th 2018

A Midsummer Night's Dream opens. Parker Pie, West Glover Vermont. We performed for our dream audience: folks full of pizza and beer.

July 6th 2018

For one week the cast assembled and rehearsed at Winston Prouty in Brattleboro. Old friends and alumni of Vermont's Get Thee to the Funnery and NEYT gathered to make comedy and Shakespeare.

March 23rd 2018

Vermont Suitcase Company is born! While teaching and directing A Midsummer Night's Dream in the Virgin Islands, we decided after many years of talking about it to form a company and perform Midsummer next summer.

Where we started